• 9789352645831

Believe And Achieve

₹ 299.00
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Categories: Books,Non Fiction
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Believe and Achieve is not the last word on creating success; that story will continue to evolve as long as the human race endures. Instead the Napoleon Hill Foundation hopes that it will be nothing more than the first words in the next chapter of your life: the first of many chapters in which success is the theme.

>Believe And AchieveHARPER IN9789352645831
Product Description

In 1952 W. Clement Stone and Napoleon Hill joined forces and philosophies. Stone added his Positive Mental Attitude (PMA) concept to Hill's principles resulting in the classic book Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude. The two men spent the next ten years writing and lecturing about achieving success through PMA. Their formula was to become the foundation for virtually all modern motivational writing.

Believe and Achieve is not the last word on creating success; that story will continue to evolve as long as the human race endures. Instead the Napoleon Hill Foundation hopes that it will be nothing more than the first words in the next chapter of your life: the first of many chapters in which success is the theme.

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Stone W Clement
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