• 9780060191443

Dressing The Man

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Dressing The ManIt Books9780060191443
Product Description

Dressing the Man is the definitive guide to what men need to know in order to dress well and look stylish without becoming fashion victims. Alan Flussers name is synonymous with taste and style. With his new book he combines his encyclopedic knowledge of mens clothes with his signature wit and elegance to address the fundamental paradox of modern mens fashion Why after men today have spent more money on clothes than in any other period of history are there fewer welldressed men than at any time ever before According to Flusser dressing well is not all that difficult the real challenge lies in being able to acquire the right personalized instruction. Dressing well pivots on two pillars proportion and color. Flusser believes that Permanent Fashionability both his promise and goal for the reader starts by being accountable to a personal set of physical trademarks and not to any kind of random seasonally servedup collection of fashion flashes. Unlike fashion which is obliged to change each season the faces shape the necks height the shoulders width the arms length the torsos structure and the foots size remain fairly constant over time. Once a man learns how to adapt the fundamentals of permanent fashion to his physique and complexion hes halfway home. Taking the reader through each major clothing classification stepbystep this userfriendly guide helps you apply your own specifics to a series of dressing options from business casual and formalwear to patternonpattern coordination or how to choose the most flattering clothing silhouette for your body type and shirt collar for your face. A mans physical traits represent his individual road map and the quickest route toward forging an enduring style of dress is through exposure to the legendary practitioners of this rare masculine art. Flusser has assembled the largest andmost diverse collection of stylishly mantled men ever found in one book. Many neverbeforeseen vintage photographs from the era of Cary Grant Tyrone Power and Fred Astaire are employed to help illustrate the range and diversity of authentic mens fashion. Dressing the Mans sheer magnitude of options will enable the reader to expand both the grammar and verbiage of his permanentfashion vocabulary. For those men hoping to find sartorial fulfillment somewhere down the road tethering their journey to the mindset of permanent fashion will deliver them earlier rather than later in life.
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It Books
Flusser Alan
Hard Cover