The deeply moving and darkly comic tale of a chimp in Bollywood, and the creatures - human or otherwise - in his life. >Sudershan ChimpanzeeDevraj Rajesh And Imchen MerenHachette India9789350090763
MIMIC, HUSTLER, PRIMATE, FALL GUY.Sudershan (Chimpanzee) lands on the shores of Mumbai and struggles to make it in the city of dreams. It's the sixties, and animal stars of all kinds, from dog detectives to loyal Rajput steeds, are the rage in bollywood. But can a monkey find a hold on the greasy ladder to stardom? Can he survive the scandals and the inevitable heartbreak? And can he learn which lines must never, never be crossed?
The deeply moving and darkly comic tale of a chimp in Bollywood, and the creatures - human or otherwise - in his life.